This post is dedicated to someone I love very dearly and who has always loved and supported me back, unconditionally: my Aunt Bonnie, or as we affectionately call her, Bon-Bon. One of the hardest things about leaving Massachusetts last year and making the cross-country trek to Southern California, was leaving Bon-Bon. She is my family, and we cherished and adored our time together, especially regular Sunday dinners and holidays. Earlier this evening, as I fought my way through traffic on the 405-North, making the long trek home from work, Bon-Bon came into my head and I decided to call her. Well, she picked up right away and just sounded so happy to hear from me. I could hear it in her voice. And that made me, in turn, incredibly happy too. But it also makes me miss her, and so here I'm going to reminisce a bit about Bon-Bon and all the good times we had together when we were living in Western Massachusetts, where she calls home.
One of my favorite memories of time spent with Bon-Bon was Labor Day weekend of 2019. During most big holidays or holiday weekends, Bonnie came to our house with her dog, Snoopy, and often stayed for a few days in our guest room (really, her room). This was one of those occasions. On Sunday of that weekend I took Bon-Bon with me to a place I loved called Potterville Pottery, which was my "happy place" for so many months while we were going through some challenging times. We needed to get out of the house and I knew she'd enjoy it. We both did, and I will forever cherish the memory of just sitting across from her quietly painting pottery. I painted a diptych of mountain scenery on tiles, which I gave to her as a gift before we left Massachusetts. Here we are, posing for a selfie:
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