Before I forget to do so, I want to reflect on my therapy session last week, during which I feel like I made real progress with confronting some old demons: fear, anger, resentment, frustration, vulnerability. These are things that go way back to childhood, not just for me, but for most people, and I’m thankful that I’m in a position to confront them and have the resources to help me do so—namely, Juniana and EMDR.
Juliana had me think of a time from my childhood when I felt all of those things, and, unfortunately, it wasn’t all that challenging to hone in on one. Once I did, she talked me through it using her EMDR techniques (lights, hand vibrations, etc.). By the end of it, I was comforting my younger self (little Matthew) as my current self (Maddie) with words of encouragement and insight… things like: “You are beautiful and special, and they (my tormentors) are weak and inconsequential. You’re going to do amazing things in your life, things you can’t even imagine right now, and you’re going to impact others in so many positive ways. You just have to get through this—all the bullshit—and let your inner light shine. Protect the little girl inside because she’s going to be an amazing, beautiful, confident, and strong woman one day. I promise.”
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