
So, I guess this is my third surgery-related post.  I’ll make it the last so as not to bore my readers and become too fixated on something that, in the end, was kind of uneventful.  Don’t get me wrong, in this particular instance, uneventful is perhaps the most ideal outcome.  I spent last week mostly in bed, but was back at my desk working remotely all of this week.  It felt good to do so, and now I am not behind at all, especially since I had the foresight to complete two big projects that aren’t actually due until next week, before my surgery. It definitely pays to plan ahead.  

This week I was able to focus on more or less routine, day-to-day tasks, and was even able to carve out some personal-time—e.g., I had a fantastic mani/pedi on Wednesday and dinner out with Eric afterward.  The scar on my neck is healing and I no longer feel the need to wear the neck-brace I was sent home from the hospital with.  I’ve cut back to one Percoset at night, just to make it more comfortable to sleep, and in general I’m feeling great.  The post-op with my surgeon is next Tuesday, and I’m hoping he clears me to drive so I can head back into the office by October fourth.  I also hope to go for a long walk this weekend, which always makes me feel better.  Also looking forward to therapy again next Wednesday.  


Note to self: stop getting so worked up over things you cannot control, which, let’s face it is most things.  You can handle more than you know you can, and sometimes it’s actually a good thing to be presented with an obstacle to your everyday amped-up routine that makes you pause and get the hell out of your comfort zone.  It’s good for you and you can handle it.  And, sometimes you even learn or explore new things, like writing a short story (how cool was that?!), that make life all the richer.  Remember this.  


To illustrate this blog post, I’m including a shot of my awesome manicure… it’s the little things in life that spark joy, like picking just the right shade of nail polish--in this case, the perfect shade of brown for early fall... I'm in love with this color!
