September Promise

It’s Wednesday September 1, 2021, and I’m posting this as a bookend to my August 1st post, “August Dread.”  Whereas August, my least favorite month, has always filled me with dread, September has always marked the promise of new beginnings.  Of course, I realize the irony of that as September is the start of the fall season, during which things begin to slow down and either become dormant through the winter or die.  But for me September 1st means the start of a new school year (always the academic—I can’t help it, it’s in my blood), cooler temperatures, warmer clothes, and the holidays… from the upcoming long Labor Day weekend, to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and through to Christmas and New Year’s Eve and Day—I love them all.  I love the promise of them all, the anticipation.

September 1st also means I made it through another August, and really, this one wasn’t so bad.  It hardly lived up to the meaning of the word “august” (grand, brilliant, glorious), but it I made nearly 20 posts to my new blog in 31 days, several of which were celebratory, made a few more steps forward in my journey and toward my goals, and it never really got too uncomfortably hot (like it did last year!).  


In September, just next week (Friday the 10th) my name- and gender-change become legal, and I’ll be able to proceed with getting all of my official documents, IDs, accounts, memberships, etc. updated.  That, for me, is a huge step forward in my transition.  On the 14th I’m having my spinal fusion surgery, which I am absolutely not looking forward to, but it will all be over with by the end of the month, and I’ll be able to get back to normal (hopefully with a more functional left hand).  


With the Corona virus (and its ever-evolving variants) still lurking, there is still a bit of the “unknown” ahead for how we’ll have to proceed for the new school year, but we’ve gotten good over the past 18 months with adapting and pivoting on a dime, so I am not too worried.  And I really am looking forward to the holidays and spending them with Eric and perhaps some of our new acquaintances.  Slowly but surely, we’re building a life here, and it’s pretty damned wonderful.  The pics for this blog are some that I took at the Farmer’s Market last weekend… I forgot to share them earlier, but I think they’re fitting for this post.  What’s more promising than a late-summer harvest?
