“Transition Tuesdays” are something that occur weekly in the Instagram circles I run in. They’re a time for us trans folks to post “then” and “now” pics to celebrate our transformations. I posted the one above on Instagram this morning, with the caption “what a difference a year makes.”
I really look forward to seeing these pics and reading the posts from others because they’re always so encouraging and give me hope for my own journey, as well. I’m only about six months in so far, though, so I still struggle with things, many of which I have and will continue to blog about (see: “Hair,” “Hair, Continued,” “Finding my Voice,” “Passing vs. Being,” for example). Seeing the progress of others, which in some cases is quite remarkable, makes me think I’ll get there some day, too. I’m well on my way, and working at it every single day and even throughout the night as I sleep (see: “Sleep Sparkle”).
One thing I can say for certain is, transitioning is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also one of the most rewarding and self-affirming. And that's saying something because I’ve tackled some pretty hard things in my life: growing up in Western Massachusetts with my conservative, Catholic family, earning a Ph.D. in organic chemistry, getting tenure, not once but twice, etc.). I’m living 100% of the time as a woman now, and every time I go out in public, or even to work, I am absolutely terrified. Every. Single. Time. But it is definitely getting better and less scary every day as I become more comfortable and confident in my own skin, navigating the world as Madeline.
I look forward to posting future "Transition Tuesdays" diptychs in 2022 and 2023. And I look forward even more to the day when such things no longer matter that much to me, and I'm just living my life like any other woman.
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